Units of measurement


Units of measurement#

Quantitative data is always expressed using a scale, commonly referred to as the unit of measurement (UOM). The representation of any quantity can be conceived as a ‘tuple’ comprised of:

  • a number

  • the scale or UOM

  • (optionally) a quantity-kind, which provides context and semantics for the quantity

The quantity-kind is sometimes required because the same unit of measure can be used for incompatible quantity-kinds (e.g., energy and torque can both be quantified as Newton-metres). When encoding quantities, there are three common patterns:

  • Micro-format, using a standard uom notation, and separator between the number and UOM:

109.5 km/hr

  • Tuple or data-structure:

	"@value" : "109.5" ,
	"@type" : "https://si-digital-framework.org/SI/units/kilometre.hour-1"
  • Fix the UOM for an array or collection, where a header or metadata gives the uom for all values, and the datastream then provides an array of values only:

( "km/hr" , ( 60.4 , 75.1, 99.0, 109.5 ) )

For any of these approaches the code or symbol that denotes the uom must come from a well defined system with unambiguous semantics. Note that CDIF Data Description provides properties on variables for specifying both UOM and quantity-kind (see TBD), using the micro-format described in TBD).

UOM code systems#

The following list is provided for reference, giving information about some of the common coding systems used for UOM.

SI Digital Framework - https://si-digital-framework.org/

QUDT (Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types) - qudt.org

UCUM (Unified Code for Units of Measure) - https://ucum.org/